podcasts 2019

NAVIGATE BY YEAR 2020 2019 2018


SUNDAY 2029 12 22 Jeff Majestic, Fabian Casual

This has a long set from Jeff Majestic, and Fabian Casual’s first one I think, and a lot of this 8eaut1ful5 stuff went on our albums of the time.

WEDNESDAY 2019 06 05 PK Opal, DJ Falchion B-DJ Daioujou D&D

This is Jazz Jagz like always, with special PK Opal and special Falchion B D&D, and the D&D stands for “Drones & Drums”, which is something DJ Falchion B and DJ Daioujou like to do.

WEDNESDAY 2019 05 29 PK Opal, Saralee . Biz, Golde and the Guise

You can’t see Saralee.biz’z dance parts, but you can still hear PK Opal and Golde and the Guise.

WEDNESDAY 2019 05 22 Hoofless, Girl at the Bar, Lilac Dravland

A rare Hoofless performance, plus Girl at the Bar’s pickup line collection, plus Lilac Dravland.

WEDNESDAY 2019 05 15 90′s Television, Josh Brown Comedy Roast

It was Josh’s birthday, so he wanted to do a comedy roast.

WEDNESDAY 2019 05 08 Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

There was a competition to see who had the best mystery, and Abcdefghijklmnop… played

WEDNESDAY 2019 05 01 Umbels, Josh Brown Comedy Battle

The Umbels played, then the Josh Brown Comedy Hour was rudely interrupted by some bad guy.

*SPECIAL BONUS* Adam Michael Terry & the Demons

Our Pal Finale Grand, A.K.A. Adam Michael Terry runs a creative beat night at Good Grammer bar called “Critical Beat Down”. He, DJ Daiojou and Falchion B have started a new band called Adam Michael Terry & the Demons, and this is their debut performance at Critical Beatdown.


It was a birthday celebration for David and Mike at the Urban Lounge. Starmy and Red Bennies played on the floor, then Lord Vox played on the stage. This was David’s first try on the new snare drum he fixed from the basement, and also Nora’s first time playing drums in Red Bennies. This happened late may 2019.

WEDNESDAY 2019 04 24 Mananero, Girl At The Bar, KLUB

Mananero had a rad drama a few weeks ago where the recording session crashed. So this week, there had been a makeup session– that means 2 practices for mananero, that’s pretty special. Also, Girl At the Bar read the latest pickup lines from Twilite Lounge, and there was an intense poetry contest for a set of medieval castle decorations- enough to fill a whole room- and then KLUB played a wonderful set.

WEDNESDAY 2019 04 17 The Floorboards, GUS

The Floorboards got soft and loud, and Gus played some songs on singing and bass that were great.

WEDNESDAY 2019 04 10 Deli Dave and the Night Crew, Calvin Lee

Two new groups played, Deli Dave and the Night Crew- Deli Dave used to be seen on sunday nights trying out poetry with his poetry crew in one of the booths. And Calvin Lee, featuring Jeff of 19xx fame, Choir Boy fame, and other famous SLC musicians like Dianna. Jeff sang and played the alto saxophone.

WEDNESDAY 2019 04 03 Cool Aid, Martini Police, Josh Brown Comedy Hours

This was a rare night with the 2 new groups, Cool Aid and Martini Police. We forgot the recorder, so had to record it on Brian’s telephone.

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WEDNESDAY 2019 03 27 Baby Pink, Tiffany Boulanger, Jason Dickerson Art Show Slam Dunk, Girl At The Bar

Baby Pink, a rare Tiffany Boulanger performance, Jason Dickerson released his masterpiece prints depicting michael Jordan holding Tucker as a baby, Amber did Girl At The Bar comedy reading collections of pickup lines to the Jazz Jagz accompaniment.

WEDNESDAY 2019 03 20 Spooky Mansion, Pet Library, Dr. Ambientizer

Our friend Jared from Martian Cult had his friends from LA play, Spooky Mansion. It turns out the drummer was the roommate of Jesse Cessar of Shred Shed fame after he left SLC and lived in SF, and a pal of ours who played with Tino Drima at the Garage one time. Now he lives in LA and plays with his real band, Spooky Mansion. Also playing was Landon’s great music, Pet Library. and Dr. Ambientizer played all night.

WEDNESDAY 2019 03 16 Muzzle Tung, Cole Maxwell, Josh Brown Comedy Hours, Dr. Ambientizer

A lucky and rare appearance of Muzzle Tung with their new drummer, a rare appearance of Cole Maxwell and some of his friends before he moves to Vegas, and the Josh Brown Comedy- hey fine print readers, he says swears and talks about grownup stuff so when my kids are doing chores with me I have to sneak it off. And I listened to this and had to come upstairs and edit it (because we don’t always list this on the flyers)- Dr. Ambientizer is also this night. Dr. Ambientier, also known as Falcon Lopez from Electronic Doom Lounge Night fame and Koty from  Durian Durian fame, plays in Jazz Jagz as Dr. Ambientizer. He sneaks live samples from us and then DJ’s those samples between our songs. For the TKO.

WEDNESDAY 2019 03 06 90′s Television

This night, 90′s Television was the special guest and they played a great long set of loungey tunes, I just saw them on instagram today playing at an old folks home, so maybe they were practicing for that.

WEDNESDAY 2019 02 27 Greg Midgley, the Floorboards, King Trang

It’s always a special night when Greg comes and plays, he’s the only one we know who knows how to do the same reading we do so he lets us be his backup band. The Floorboards played their first live show, and King Trang, who we didn’t know but who Josh asked to get on at the last second, killed it.

SPECIAL FEATURE Hoofless at College

Just cause I’m in the band Hoofless, I can sneak things like this on the internet. Phil of Phil ‘n The Blanks is a professor at the U teaching a class on the role of quiet in modern culture and they study modern minimalist artworks. He saw us play a concert series at the SLC Library called “Hshhh!” that Jake Rosenzwieg curated, where we were playing very soft, and he asked us to come play and discuss in his class. It was a great time, and the band’s most formal appearance.

WEDNESDAY 2019 02 22 Just Jazz Jaguars

This night was supposed to be Lord Vox and KLUB, but Lord Vox had to cancel at the last minute. Our fancy extension cord with the USB outlets on it broke this night, leading to most of the recording not working. But what you could have heard, had that not happened, is an A+ set by KLUB, probably their finest execution of a lot of familiar songs, and an A+ set by Goldie and the Guise. And Nora played all night long with no breaks and Koty pulled out all the stops as Dr. Ambientizer. On that note, I should explain the innovations of Dr. Ambientizer: through high tech wizardry, he samples moments of music while the band is playing, and, right when the band is finished, he manipulates and DJ’s those moments as an ambient and musical echo of what had just happened. It’s a really beautiful idea and he’s invented and mastered it.

WEDNESDAY 2019 02 13 Strong Words, Jeremy Devine special art guest, Falchion B with Jagz

It seems that Jeremy Devine got the invitation to come visit Doom Lounge Nite so he escaped from the institution and made it all the way across town, and then got could again with the help of drones. Then Strong Words played, and then DJ Falchion B helped with some Jazz Jagz percussion.

WEDNESDAY 2019 02 06 Durian Durian, Saralee dot Biz, Josh Brown Comedy Hours

Durian Durian killed it, Sara Lee dot Biz did a witchy dance that you can’t see here, and Josh Brown did a funny.

WEDNESDAY 2019 01 30 Baby Pink, Silver Slippers, Carly Haldeman News Report

Baby Pink and Silver Slippers rocked this night. We were lucky enough to have our news reporter Carly give a report on the dangers of american influence in Venezuela.

WEDNESDAY 2019 01 23 Dr Ambientizer, DJ Falchion B

This was the first night Halee played bass the whole time, and Nora played drums, and I think Pearl played bass for the second set. Dr Ambientizer played all the in-betweens, and Falchion B did a set. Josie and Julian’s band, Pee Soup, had to cancel at the last minute.

WEDNESDAY 2019 01 16 Ghost Aquarium, Dr Ambientizer, Josh Brown Comedy Hours, Gus

This was the first night we’ve ever over-booked, just having two larger-than-usual jazz bands with keyboards and their own amps for different things, it took a long time to set up. Also, Josh Brown did comedy again, Ghost Aquarium drove from as far a Logan to play, Gus played at around 12, I drank too much and had to leave to get a taquito. All the amps left a few things missing from this recording, but check it out to hear some of the jazzy musicians in town. Falchion B is trying to learn the coronet right now, so you’ll probably love it FB!

WEDNESDAY 2019 01 09 Just Jazz Jaguars

This night, all the special guests cancelled, so it’s just the host band, Jazz Jaguars. Saying stupid things, talking, and playing their songs for the new year. 2019 is hopefully a better year for everyone than the last.

SUNDAY 2019 01 06 Timechimp, Grizzly Spectre

We just go our new PA from Twilite Lounge for christmas, and you can hear DJ Daioujou (the inventor of the Space Invader speaker cabinet) getting anxious about the microphone while Falchion B calms him down repeatedly. Then 2 great sets by the amazing Timechimp and Grizzly Spectre.


*link Broken- looking for lost room mic audio* This is an opera that the 8eaut1ful5 got to be part of, it’s a political drama about the Utah national parks loosing their government funding. Each park was played by a different band, installed into single costumes (or a single costume) to look like the park, and then represented emotionally and visually by dancers.


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